Michael and The Cemetery
“This is rather, well, difficult for me to talk about, because there’s just so much, uhm, I just can’t begin to explain-” Don’t worry, Michael, I understand completely. Why don’t you just start from the beginning? “Alright, I think I can do that…” He pauses, gathering his thoughts. Brows furrowing and lips thinning themselves together in concentration. He takes a deep breath before continuing. “Three weeks ago this Cemetery revealed itself in the lot across the street from our house. I’m not usually the superstitious-type, nor do I believe in ghosts, not even the Holy kind, but this damn graveyard is giving my proclivities a run for their money. And, honestly, I feel kinda foolish talkin’ to you about it, but every other therapist I’ve talked to hasn’t even given me the time of day. You were the only one that actually gave a shit about my problem.” Don’t worry, just keep talking. So tell me about the graveyard, what do you mean by ‘revealed itself’? “Oh, right, of course, my bad,...